Do’s and Don’ts When Raising A Child With ADHD
Raising a child with ADHD can be challenging, as its severity and type can make it nearly impossible to set regular household rules. It’s totally normal to become frustrated with your child, but there are also things you should and shouldn’t do in order to make both your child and your lives a little easier. Here are a few do’s and don’ts for raising a child that struggles with ADHD.
Create A Routine
Make a routine for your child, and stick to it every day. Having consistent routines can help keep your child’s attention focused on the things that are important to him or her. For instance, having your child put away their clothes for the next day can help provide structure.
Limit Distractions
Children with ADHD are prone to developing impulsive behaviors when they are exposed to various types of media, such as video games and television. Limiting their exposure to these types of distractions can help prevent them from developing an energy imbalance.
Believe In Your Child
It’s also important to remember that your child doesn’t realize how much stress they can be putting on themselves due to their condition. Being positive and encouraging can help keep them focused on the positive. Having confidence in yourself and your child can help prevent them from developing negative habits.
Don’t Sweat The Small Things
If your child has completed two of the three tasks that you assigned them, consider making some concessions in order to accommodate their needs. At the end of the day, this is all a learning process for them and it may help them move closer to the goal of completing all of the assigned tasks over time.
Don’t Lose Control
You are the parent, and you have a responsibility to set the rules for your child’s behavior. Being patient and nurturing can help keep you from being intimidated or bullied by your child’s actions.
Don’t Be Negative
It can be very simplistic, but take a day at a time and remember to focus on the positive. There will be times when you will feel better and things will get easier.
Originally published at on June 13, 2022.