How do Parents Affect their Child’s Mental Health?

Jennifer Powers
2 min readMar 23, 2022


Several different things can affect a child’s mental health. Some are out of parents’ control, such as economic and social factors, but some factors such as parental care and support may impact the child’s mental health significantly. This post will explore some possible ways in which parents may affect their children’s mental health.

Being a Victim of Violence, Neglect, or Abuse at Home.

It can be difficult for children to talk about what happens at home. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility for children to be told to be quiet or ignored by their parents. This can have a significant impact on their mental health .

Parents Being Divorced or Separated.

A child may suffer anxiety and depression due to their parents being divorced or separated. The parent they live with may not have the time or energy to cater to all of the child’s needs. They may be taken out of clubs that they loved because their other parent could not afford to pay for them, leaving the child to feel rejected by at least one parent. A relationship breakdown can have a big impact on a child’s mental health and, therefore, should be avoided if at all possible.

Biological Factors.

Biological factors can play a role in mental health as well. For example, the child may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or have learning difficulties due to having been born with certain conditions such as dyslexia. They may require special help at school, which could cause them to feel isolated or bullied by their peers if they are not receiving the proper support. These factors could lead to anxiety and depression, continuing into adulthood if not identified and treated early enough.

In conclusion, although many different aspects of a child’s life can affect their mental health, it’s important to remember that parents and the environment in which the child lives can make a difference. If parents can see to all of the needs of their children and make sure that they are cared for properly, then they may be able to get a better grasp on their child’s mental health issues.

Originally published at on March 23, 2022.



Jennifer Powers

Jennifer Powers is a mother, philanthropist, avid poker player, & blogger.