How to Travel Safely With Kids This Holiday Season
Anxious about traveling during the holidays? You’re not alone. Here are some of the questions parents are asking. Should I buy a refundable ticket? Should we stay home? Is it worth it?
Let’s assume you’re not staying home. You have a family to visit. Maybe a child who’s never met his grandparent. It’s worth it to make that introduction. It might be worth it for the memories you’ll store up during the holidays.
Should We Self Quarantine?
According to the CDC, Individuals should stay home for at least seven days after being declared sick.
Take Covid 19 Tests?
Economist Emily Oster, who writes about parenting and pregnancy in her book, ParentData, said that rapid testing is an excellent idea for traveling. She added that even if everyone in the group is vaccinated, having the test before and after they get to the airport can help prevent the spread of the illness.
Getting the test can also be challenging, especially since it’s only sometimes available at pharmacies.
Who Can Hold the Baby?
Pediatricians suggest that all relatives wear a mask while holding the baby to keep the child healthy. Everyone should wash their hands properly. Go ahead and blame your doctor for making relatives do these things; they won’t mind.
It’s hard to avoid people while you’re at the airport, for instance, as you queue up to get in line or wrestle a car seat into an overhead bin. However, a blanket or a protective shield can help keep your child away from masses of people.
It’s always better to avoid public transportation when traveling with an infant.
Was it the Right Choice?
Think about your risk tolerance. It’s also easier said than done depending on the person you’re trying to protect. For instance, you may have a different risk tolerance for an older relative who is not vaccinated than for a young child who is healthy and has immunity from their mother.
Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when setting boundaries. Wherever your stance is, you should be able to stand up for yourself. It’s your right to keep your child safe.
This blog was previously published on on December 22, 2022