Tips For Raising A Child With ASD
If you’re the parent of a child who has been diagnosed with or possibly has autism spectrum disorder, you’re likely wondering what the next step will be. No parent is prepared to hear that their child is anything other than healthy and happy, and an ASD diagnosis is often frightening. You may be confused about what to do next, or you may have been told that treating this condition is an incurable disease that will only get worse. While this can be a frightening time, you’ll get through it. What’s most important is that you strive to raise your child with love and affection, giving them the support they need to succeed in life. Here are a few tips to help you raise your child with autism.
Celebrate Your Child’s Talents
Your child’s strength is typically represented in their highest functioning area. We now have a greater awareness of individuals with this condition who are prominent in the arts and entertainment industry. Being able to recognize and support these individuals is very important to help them reach their full potential.
Instead of focusing on the areas of deficits that your child has, try to identify his or her strengths. For instance, maybe your child enjoys music and numbers and is great at completing complex puzzles.
Use The Resources At Your Disposal
The presence of children with autism can affect the family’s functioning and harmony. Having other parents who are also raising children with this condition can help you feel more at ease. The occasional text from a fellow parent raising a child with ASD can mean the world.
There are also new developments in the treatment and support for children with autism.
Nonprofits are working with advocacy groups to provide weekend camps and weeklong retreats for families with children with this condition. One of these is the organization, Myles-A-Part, which provides a free retreat for couples.
Several books written by Dr. Sam Goldstein and Dr. Robert Brooks have been very helpful in helping parents raise their children with this condition.
Positive Discipline Is Key
One of the most effective ways to discipline children with autism is through positive feedback and encouragement. Unfortunately, many parents get carried away by the negative feedback and try to fix their child’s behavior instead of encouraging them.
We know that it’s important for parents to protect their children from harm, but it’s also important for them to know that they’re doing well. Having well-placed praise and encouragement can help build your child’s self-confidence and encourage them to behave properly.