Tips for Raising Your Family in a Big City
While cities can be expensive, growing up in a modest suburb can still provide some advantages. According to conventional wisdom, raising happy children requires a big house, a quiet neighborhood, and a safe car.
Have you noticed that many families raise their kids in cities instead of the suburbs? According to Leigh Gallagher, author of the 2013 book The End of the Suburbs, the growth of the urban population outpaced that of the suburban sector for the first time in over a hundred years in 2011.
Vishaan Chakrabarti, the author of A Country of Cities, believes that many people who moved to cities when they were young moved back to the suburbs in their 30s due to the quality of education and low crime. However, these factors are also changing in cities, and parks and schools have improved in many areas.
Here’s what you get in the City
People who live in large urban areas are more likely to have easy access to cultural attractions, such as ballet, opera, and symphony, as well as movie houses, historical landmarks, and museums. Take advantage of these wonderful learning centers.
Less Carpooling
Most suburban parents don’t like the hours spent driving their kids to school, camp, or classes. In cities, parents allow their kids to ride public transportation starting at 11 or 12. This eliminates the need for them to rely on their parents as much and will enable them to develop a sense of independence.
More Diverse
Cities allow children to meet people from different backgrounds and experiences, which increases tolerance and compassion. They’ll try new foods from their friends’ lunchboxes and gain new perspectives on the world.
Important Lessons
Explaining to a child why a homeless person is sleeping on the street is very distressing, but there are also many opportunities for growth and learning in these situations.
No Commute
Cities allow families to spend more time with their kids, as they don’t have to commute as much. City dwellers often only commute a couple of miles. Doctors and other necessities are often within walking distance, and a car might be unnecessary. It’s great to get out and spend time talking or just walking with your family.
You can find artisanal ice cream or coffee at your local strip mall if you’re in the market. Although not every city center has the same food and drink options, the diversity of the offerings in any area is usually better than what you’ll find in the suburbs. Urban locations also have easy access to various stores and restaurants.